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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday January 27, 2014 Class #3 - Gratification

Do not worry about the quiz last week. I wanted you learn how to access Classmarker and see what it was like to take a test using this platform. 

However, I also tried something new and it did not work. That is why you received a 0. The grading engine marked all of the answers wrong and I wanted it to mark any answer correct.

This class is about Gratification.

If there is anything I want you to learn in this course, its the importance of Gratification.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting how we can look social classes and tell how they make decisions. College is a place where we delayed our gratification to obtain a long term goal. There's an opportunity cost in every decision that one makes. With this relevant knowledge, I can educate the community on how they can make better decision without going to college.
