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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday February 26, 2014 - Homework #2 - Tips & Tricks

Slavery to Travon - Lesson #2
Slave Narrative - Georgia Part I

1) Read the Narratives of the following people:
You can use the Table of Contents to find narratives
a) Martha Everette  - Hawkinsville
b) Lewis Favors - Merriweather County
c) Julia Cole - Age 78 - Athens

2) Exam
After reading the narratives, take an Exam on Classmarker. It opens Thursday February 27, 2014 and will close on Sunday March 2, 2014 at midnight.


Excel Homework #2

This assignment is due by Sunday March 2, 2014 by midnight.

There will be an exam on The Excel Homework #2 grade will be this exam. This exam is based on the videos provided below.

There will be two versions of  HW #2 Exams. You will see a Windows version and a Mac version. You choose the exam based on your computer and which video you watched. DO NOT COMPLETE BOTH.

1) Study the video: either windows or mac video (you do not need to watch both)
2) Starting on Thursday February 27, 2014, at 9 am and ending Sunday March 2, 2014 at midnight, the exams will be available to take (remember, only choose and take one exam).
3) complete the exam
4) The purpose of this exam is to learn some Excel tips and tricks that will make Exce work faster


  1. I think that these youtube videos are great tutorials for learning excel. I did not know that excel could be so complicated. It is, however, very user friendly once you get use to it.

    One idea that I have of improving youtube would be to make a youtube portion that is live. I would call this youtubelive. This would be a department in youtube that contain live tutorials. Unlike skype, the main reason focus would be learning a concept, rather than having a conversation.

    This idea could improve the understanding of concepts. Sometimes I don't understand a tutorial, and sometimes I do. By having a live youtube, I would be able to focus more time on my weaknesses. Youtubelive would also provide more jobs. Potential employees could be students that want to earn extra cash, while studying.

    Will this work? If you could follow someone on twitter and on linkedin, and have facebook and other similar social media at the same time, there would be room for youtubelive, even if there is a skype.

  2. Learning these exel techniques has been the most exciting thing I've done this semester so far. As we become even more technological saavy, I hope that everyone take advantage of these videos and homework assignments that are given.

  3. Learning excel techniques has been difficult for me I must admit. I feel these video's are very helpful and will help me learn excel over time. In response to Raynard Ware, I will take advantage of these videos and homework assignments that are assigned to us.

  4. These tutorials have been such a life saver for me! If it were not for these youtube videos, I would still be lost. Even if I do not understand after watching the first time, I usually can rerun it to get a better idea of the task.
