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Sunday, March 23, 2014

New Technology Lets You “Feel” Objects on a Tablet!!

BY: John Davies

When this, I was like “WHAT!” lol. The Japanese tech company Fujitsu has just unveiled a new technology that puts the “touch” back in touchscreen. Some of the feelings were kind of off but it is a prototype and it is still amazing that you were feeling something period.” In its press materials, Fujitsu lists a 2015 date for real-world applications.” What are your thoughts about this?


  1. This new technology is interesting. I say that because it will give users a more realistic feel to touch screen, but also because the widespread use of touch screen capabilities has only been popular since Apple introduced the iPhone. Before, I could only imagine how a crocodile's skin would feel. Now, Fujitsu can make this imagination a reality. I wonder how other companies will react to this technology and how the widespread use of this technology can improve different industries? Only time will tell.

  2. I believe there are a few significant applications of this technology. I anticipate the creators of this touch screen capability to use it in assisting the visually-impaired or disabled individuals. Imagine if they could use this tablet technology to convert a written text to Braille. I think that would bring normalcy to the life of the disabled. Also, we could use this technology to model the surface of distant planets or to simulate the feel of sand on an exotic beach.

  3. This is truly a game changer - it'll bring an entire new meaning to 'connecting the world'. As the guys above me have talked about, this technology will be great for those who are visually impaired. This makes me think of how to raise my future children - their being exposed to so much can be scary.

  4. Obviously, this will be huge in the visually impaired market, but as someone who is fortunate to not have those visual disabilities, I am not too excited about this product. For me sight and touch go hand and hand and I think for those of us who have both of those senses, this technology will dilute our experiences. For example, if I can feel but not actually touch an alligator, that takes away form the experience a lot. But whatever I digress, just my thoughts...

  5. That sounds so crazy. It seems like technology is spiraling out of control. I really think that technology could be the downfall of the human race, as we basically become too advanced for our own good. It's even possible that technology might one day become so advanced that they outsmart the human race and take over.

  6. To most people that believe in the Skynet theory and the grid system this is definitely one of the steps towards getting to that point. Not saying I'am one of those people, but this is very interesting nonetheless. I think this will also help the blind community a bit seeing as it assists another set of senses. It really comes down to how the company in Japan will use this device seeing as it can translate into so many different fields.
