By: Raynard Ware
As spring break approached, a group of Morehouse students
passed up the beach and warm weather in Florida, to spend their break doing
service in the inner city of Chicago. Morehouse’s senior, Corey Hardiman is a
passionate young man that constructed and orchestrated this alternative spring
break trip. I, myself, had the opportunity to participate in this wonderful
humbling experience, in the Roseland area on the south side of Chicago.
While most would have complained about the long Mega Bus
rides, early morning wakes or even housing in a shelter for a week, this was
all a part of the experience. We went to Chicago with a goal, and that goal was
to inspire at least one child, if not more. The first activity immediately
after we settled in the shelter, was a food drive. We provided can goods and
other supplementary/complementary goods to families in need.
We also had a chance to go to Corey’s former elementary
school, Lavizzo Elementary, where we motivated
elementary school students to read more. Moreover, we were well-dressed
African-American men representing Morehouse College in a very good fashion. We
canvassed with a group called, “Cease Fire”, in which we informed residents
about the importance of community and justice.
While traveling at least 40 hours round trip via Mega Bus, we
really made an impact on the future generations of society. All of the 15 men
of Morehouse were really passionate about this trip. Although, we did not
receive funding from Morehouse, this trip not only received local recognition,
but received nation recognition as well. Next you all should really look into
this alternative spring break.
Being able to give back to the community is awesome it shows what type of person you are and your character as an individual in the society because we are project as this stereotype in the world.