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Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Importance of Excel

By: Sam White
Excel spreadsheets are the most utilized product by American Employers for a huge variety of financial and statistical worksheets. Excel is user friendly and easy to learn for users of all experience level. Excel can handle extremely complex financial and statistical spreadsheets with diagrams and charts and all the way down to family budgets. Excel is now an important "must have" skill for today's job market. As seen at monster com and other job-search websites the ability to use Microsoft Excel is one of the most important skills in the job market today. I this is because Excel enables businesses to keep track of data in a quick and reliable way. Many different kinds of data can be placed on an Excel spreadsheet and the data can be updated on a regular basis. The program allows users to monitor costs, income, employees, and inventories. I recommend that you do not lie about your experience with Excel. A company might just test you.  Instead, commit yourself to really learning the ins and outs of the tools it puts at your disposal.



  1. Excel is becoming increasingly more important as we move further into the 21st century. I believe the techniques and applications we have learned in this course will guide us far into our professional lives. It is essential that all young leaders and professionals have some type of knowledge of Excel. It's capabilities are growing almost daily and it's usefulness is second to none.

  2. I have been interning at Comcast Cable Communications for the past 3 years and the one thing that I picked up on that would make me stand out quickly is proficient use of excel. We use pivot tables and vlookup in excel to sort through large amounts of data and even be sure that employees are paid correctly. Excel is key!

  3. I agree excel is really important to learn, you really need to know how to work excel for almost ever good paying job. Excel is the key to get paid!
