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Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Future of solar energy is Solar Photovoltaics

BY: Cornelius Thomas

Solar energy is the answer, more specifically harnessing that energy by taking advantage of the ever improving technological advancements like solar photovoltaic, solar photosynthesis, solar architecture, and solar thermal electricity. Is the solution. All these are great advancements in the field, yet I grown very found of the developments of Solar Photovoltaics so I’ll go more in depth about this particular design. These inventions fall under the category of “Sustainable energy”, if their use is developed and spread worldwide the earth will be a healthier, safer, but more importantly to the majority of the planet a more affordable place to live in.

                As we move forward in time, we as humans continue to do what we do best, consume things. The recurring theme in the scientific community, and slowly but surely spreading to the rest of the world is that planet earth isn’t going to be here forever.  Unfortunately unlike the solution to a lot of world’s problems we can’t just go out and buy another earth. What’s even more disheartening is we as humans are doing a great amount to destroy planet earth everyday. We do this by driving cars and trucks whose emissions constantly destroy the earth’s atmosphere, tearing holes in the ozone layer. We also won’t stop tearing down our natural rain forests, whose trees serve as our last line of defense of absorbing those toxic chemicals. Of course not to be outdone our incessant need to “drill baby drill”, won’t be going anywhere soon. After all this, what seems to constantly take a back seat to these issues is the fact that humans use gigantic amounts of electricity daily, the main source to power that electric energy is from harmful fossil fuels, like coal, oil and gas.

                Commonly referred to as the PV system, solar photovoltaic is a display of solar panels designed to supply usable electric power for different purposes, with the sun as its main power source. The number of modules in the system determines the total DC watts capable of being generated by the solar display. A PV arraignment can power a single home or an isolated device that uses AC or DC electric. Satellites used by the military streetlights, electric cars and solar powered tents can all incorporate this system to power the device. The advancements in this field seem limitless. With little effort it’s easy for one to begin to think of the possibilities.

Imagine bicycles that operate on their own, after fully charged, what about a solar operated plane, no more Gas operated vehicles, fully charged businesses of operations, sports arenas, simply amazing. All this of course needs the right founding along with patience and the ability to battle the big oil and Gas companies. In Arizona alone more than 15 rooftops are installed everyday. Already users have grown from 4,770 to 14,424 from 2010 to 2012 alone. With the advancement of the Solar panels, energy providers have been in an up roar spending millions of dollars on smear campaigns describing users of this system as freeloaders, thief’s, and unpatriotic. At the moment Solar PV’S powers less than one percent of homes in America, for one because installation costs are set at $25,000. Gas and Energy companies concerns are understandable though, because as we’ve seen in the past, and will see in the future, price to manufacture and install these new innovations will fall, making them less expensive, equating to more buyers and who knows maybe these gigantic energy companies might become obsolete.

At this point it seems like a no brainer to have these panels installed at your home, especially if you can afford it, and live in a state that’s visited by the sun the majority of the year i.e. Texas, Georgia, Arizona and Parts of California. Continuing to tap into the ability the sun seems to be a recurring, trend, where it’s powers will take us in the future one can only consider, as we make sure all the lights are off before leaving our house.


1 comment:

  1. Seeing as I live in Southern California, these solar panels are making an impact in the community and are saving people a lot of money everyday. But I have heard certain stories where people say it does cost a large amount of money and takes a while to work on. But, a newer, cleaner, way of energy for the world is always a good a start.
