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Have a Good Summer

Monday, April 21, 2014

Have It Your Way: McDonald's Race in Technology

By Christopher Whyte

Technological advancements have vastly changed our way of life. Nowadays, mobile technologies seem to be the most lucrative area to yield tremendous results for the earliest comers. McDonald's is one of the first fast food chains to jump on the mobile technologies bandwagon by offering customizable burgers to select markets.

Using a tablet, you choose the bun, patty, cheese, and toppings beforehand and receive a fresh, customized burger moments later. This option is only available in two locations targeting millennials and other hungry folks, but McDonald's has plans to spread. 

According to Chris Katje, writer for The Street, "McDonald's customizable burger places it in a chopping block clash with other fast casual favorites. Five Guys Burgers and Fries and Smashburger have seen strong unit growth as they continue to be popular with "millennials" and achieve cult like followings. McDonald's possible addition of premium burgers also puts it in closer competition with national burger chains like Red Robin."

These premium toppings will definitely increase the average price of a burger sold, but they also might slow down the progress of the workers who will have to deal with much more individualism. I can only imagine what customizable burgers at McDonald’s will do to the competition: Taco Bell’s breakfast, Wendy’s new salads, Smashburger’s existing customizable burgers, or Burger King’s everlasting attempts to switch up their playing field.

What’s next for McDonald’s? After running down the profits of its competitors, maybe replacing some of their workers with those up-and-coming Google robots? What are everyone’s thoughts on this? Would you pay to have a special *insert name here* burger?


  1. The fast food industry has taken technology advances and have used them to truly leverage their stake in the market. McDonald's is the leader in creating innovative fast food experiences. They were the first to introduce iPhone and iPhone connect/charge bars in their stores, and full screen tv-styled promotional displays. Im excited about how they will continue to grow.

  2. Nice blog. Technology is really taking over. I am looking forward to see how McDonalds grow.

  3. Mcdonalds needs something like this even though they are already extremely competitive. The more technology fast foods incorporate the more creative they can be with their menus such as secret menus, cause everyone has one of those.
