There are two assignments for this class. Read both sets of instructions and follow them exactly.
Should have bought this book already.
Read this Timeline of Reconstruction. Click Here
Chapters to read for exam:
- Preface,
- Chapter 1,
- Chapter 31 and
- Chapter 32 (the last chapter).
Read atleast these three sections and take the exam.
Take Exam Slavery #3 on
This Exam will be open from Thursday April 10, 2014 at 9AM and must be completed by Sunday April 13, 2013 by midnight.
Do not forget the second project discussed below.
Your Homework #7 is to create charts. You learned how to present data in tables, pivot tables and maps. Another way to present data, is with charts.
Take the data from your HW#6 (Fusion table data you downloaded) and create two types of charts (line, bar, pie and/or other)
Once you create the two charts in the excel file, save it in your google drive and then share it with me, like your HW#7.
This homework is due Sunday April 13, 2014 by midnight.
In each chart, I want to see X and Y labels, chart heading, format X and Y numbers (when numbers used) and show me other things you can add to a chart that shows me you learned something special. But do not clutter the chart with too much stuff. Make the charts are professional as possible but easy to read.
Below are videos about charts.
I really enjoyed this class and homework assignment. The slavery to Trayvon/Reconstruction chapters were interesting but I really enjoyed working on the Charts. Charts are crucial to understanding how excel works and improving your skills when collecting data. This was a great assignment and an interesting reading.