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Have a Good Summer

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Monday April 28, 2014 - No Class

I will be inputing grades into throughout the day. Check the site to see you score.

On Wednesday, class will cover:

  1. Excel HW #10,
  2. Extra Credit (Final),
  3. Schoology Grades
  4. 3D - Printing (?)
If you have any questions about your grades entered, email me ( with proof, you are correct or text me with questions.


  1. The semester has been awesome. This class is very helpful

  2. Thank You Professor for all of the knowledge that you bestowed upon us this semester, Ive learned a great deal from you, in life as well as in class, Thank You

  3. This class has been extremely helpful and i will use the things i've learned in all my endeavors i'm sure.
